Europump Transforms Forecourt Services with BigChange Mobile Technology

Europump, the provider of fuel pump maintenance services, has deployed the latest cloud and mobile technology as part of a real-time system for managing field engineering operations.
Supplied by Leeds-based BigChange, the system combines a 5 in 1 mobile app called JobWatch that connects seamlessly to central software including CRM, scheduling, invoicing and management reporting.
Europump Maintenance Ltd provides fuel retailers with pump and tank gauge maintenance services and is part of the Eurotank Service Group, who provide fuel tank cleaning, maintenance and installation services.
Europump provide a fast response service with a 40-strong network of engineers based out of three operating centres in Stoke-on-Trent, Southampton and Bellhills, Scotland; with a helpdesk centre in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire. Although most of the work is reactive Europump also undertakes planned maintenance work and provides other services such as Vapour Recovery Tests (VAR).
As a group Eurotank has long been at the forefront of technology and innovation having developed their own mobile workforce system a decade earlier. This bespoke system comprised rugged laptops with separate signature pads and dongles.
Jack Aplin, Director, Eurotank says:
“Although we led the field with our system it was based on old technology that was expensive and cumbersome to use,”
“We began a lengthy process of trying to find a replacement but we failed to find anything that would meet all of our needs. Then we discovered BigChange and the company had just the solution we wanted; something that could do everything we wanted in a single web-based system.”
The Europump help desk in Hebden Bridge is the hub of the national operations. Incoming service requests are logged into the BigChange scheduler which assigns the job to the most appropriate engineer. Engineers receive jobs on their tablets with the JobWatch app completely replacing all types of paperwork with digital workflows, reports, certificates and customer sign-off signatures.
Aplin says:
“The thing about the BigChange software is it is so easy to configure. We can build a system to do exactly what we want. We can literally create a new worksheet or workflow in an evening; something that previously would have taken our IT supplier 2 months to do,”
The mobile devices also provide navigation and are used to capture photographs to show site set up, equipment and work completed. BigChange trackers fitted to the fleet of vans give the help desk an instant view of the whereabouts of all the engineers and allow accurate ETA’s to be provided to customers. Engineers use JobWatch for their timesheets and expenses with tracking data providing mileages as well as arrival and departure times.
Michelle Brocklehurst, Group Helpdesk Manager, Europump says:
“BigChange was introduced initially to improve job scheduling, which was crucial as the demand for our reactive maintenance services increased,”
“The job scheduling is very easy to use and has made a big difference – we can work much quicker and more efficiently. However the main benefit of JobWatch is the visibility it gives us so we know exactly what is going on 24/7. With job status on screen we can immediately see what’s not been done.”
JobWatch is also used for managing the 2000 individual parts that are kept by central stores and in the vans. Engineers record parts used or request new parts in their job sheets. All data is then synchronised with central stores as part of a comprehensive stock control system that automatically replenishes stocks.
Stuart Tomkinson, Operations Manager, Europump comments:
“JobWatch has made it much easier to properly manage our stock levels and make sure the parts needed are always available. The system also stores historic data on work done previously which is very useful for engineers when they arrive on site,”
Aplin adds:
“Safety and compliance are key issues for Europump as the work is undertaken in a high-risk environment. The primary benefits of BigChange are in the visibility and transparency that the system provides –- compliance is very important and with JobWatch nothing can be fudged,”
Edward Wheeler, Group Managing Director of Eurotank Service Group says:
“It’s clear that fuel retailers are looking for people who can maintain any type of pump and are not tied to any manufacturer; we can maintain any equipment that retailers already have or are planning to purchase,”
“We have ambitious plans to expand the Europump business and the easy accessibility, flexibility and affordability of the BigChange system make it an ideal platform to support growth.”