
BigChange Mobile Workforce Technology Boosts Productivity and Customer Service for Balloo Hire

Balloo Hire, one of Ireland’s leading tool and plant hire companies, has significantly reduced the resource required to manage its mobile operation whilst boosting customer service and minimising its environmental impact thanks to mobile workforce management technology from BigChange.

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Transformation of Sheffield SEN transport recognised at Local Government Chronicle awards

BigChange is highly commended by Sheffield council

Leeds, 24 November 2020 – BigChange and Sheffield City Council were highly commended at the Local Government Chronicle Awards last month for our partnership transforming the delivery of special educational needs (SEN) transport in Sheffield.

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BigChange Mobile Technology Helps SVS Engineers Keep Industry Rolling

BigChange SVS employee holding JobWatch tablet

Industrial conveyor belt and rubber lining specialist Strathclyde Vulcanising Services (SVS) has rolled out a cloud-based mobile workforce management solution from BigChange. SVS field service engineers have been equipped with rugged tablets as part of a complete management system for paperless working that is improving efficiency, productivity and customer service.

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